The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Thursday, November 03, 2005

House GOP rejects pre-Iraq intel investigation

There's nothing worse than hearing a story like that reported (I caught it on the Ed Schultz show) and being unable to find an online link.

The short version-- which is all I have-- is that they voted along party lines to prevent an investigation into the White House's misuse of intelligence information in the runup to the Iraq War. Harry Reid called the closed session for just that reason. After more than a year of promises from the GOP that there would be an investigation, they just kept stonewalling.

You've got to wonder about a group of politicos who are perfectly happy to spend $300 billion on a war, but forbid any investigations into whether or not the war is justified. Not to mention investigating the $14 billion in reconstruction funds that have gone missing.

In a word: corruption. So why isn't the mainstream press acknowledging that the administration and the ruling party have nigh-unprecedented levels of disapproval? I know, I know-- corporate ownership. Sigh.