The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Triumph of the Shill

Yesterday I pointed out the disturbing willingness of Beltway conservatives to tolerate messages of hate and violence even as they decry calls for justice and equality at a funeral.

Today, Dana Milbank points out the degree to which Bush Republicans have abandoned conservative principles in favor of jingoism, sloganeering and a cult of personality centered around Fearless Leader.

"Are we losing our lodestar, which is the Bill of Rights?" Barr beseeched the several hundred conservatives at the Omni Shoreham in Woodley Park. "Are we in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle?"

Barr answered in the affirmative. "Do we truly remain a society that believes that . . . every president must abide by the law of this country?" he posed. "I, as a conservative, say yes. I hope you as conservatives say yes."

But nobody said anything in the deathly quiet audience. Barr merited only polite applause when he finished, and one man, Richard Sorcinelli, booed him loudly. "I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say [Bush] is off course trying to defend the United States," Sorcinelli fumed.

That pretty much sums up the sheer horror of today's GOP, and reminds me why I'm willing to refer to them as neo-fascists. They're openly hostile to the Constitution and the law of the land if it prevents them from further consolidating power.

(I'm giving myself two demerits for the title of the post.)