The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The right's next fight

I should've anticipated this when the notion of an African pope was being tossed around. Naturally, for all the fundametalists' attempts to latch on to John Paul II's legacy, they'd be absolutely outraged with a black pope. They think the Catholic church is some sort of satanic cult anyway, so I can't imagine why they'd get so worked up. But it's already starting.

The great irony is that most fundies would probably be thrilled with an African pope-- the fact is, African catholics tend to be extremely conservative. You'd pretty much have to be to fight against contraceptives on a continent ravaged by AIDS. So it would be reactionary vs. reactionary, all thanks to skin color.

Jean Dudley posted this on her blog, and it shows the first mutters of protest by that all-too-common American species: the militant racist Christian. Hal Turner is also a big fan of the Minuteman Project. Surprise.