The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Thursday, April 07, 2005

GOP-approved lies on Schiavo memo

I think the above link qualifies as a must read. Especially in light of the fact that weak-kneed Democrats have actually cited Daily Kos as one of those dangerous radical blogs that's hurting the party. It will take you to a handy compilation of right-wing pundits' comments on the Schiavo memo-- exposed today as the work of the Chief Legal Counsel to Republican Florida senator Mel Martinez.
It's a real rogue's gallery of GOP shills who went on the record as claiming that the memo-- which suggested that the GOP could cash in on the Schiavo story to win some political points-- was a liberal plot to discredit Republicans. It includes one Republican senator. In fact, Martinez himself is still claiming that he had no idea the memo had even been written-- and that he'd never seen it. That in spite of the fact that another senator has said that Martinez handed it to him personally and mentioned its worthwhile 'talking points.' Martinez' staff said just yesterday that his office wasn't responsible for producing the memo. Today his senior aide resigned for writing the memo.
It boils down to one of two things: incompetence or corruption. Ask your Republican friends which explanation they prefer. This is why I'm no longer shying away from using the term 'fascists' to describe the current incarnation of the GOP. It also makes me feel better that progressive radio host Ed Schultz-- a self-proclaimed 'gun-toting, hunting & fishing, meat eating, SUV driving' Democrat from a red state-- is using the same appelation. Documented lies unfolding before us-- please let me know if you hear anything about this on the evening news. My money says you won't...