The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Another senseless drive-by pieing.

This time David Horowitz was served up something sweet while speaking at Butler University in Indiana. Reportedly, some of Horowitz's supporters chased the pastry-throwers and came close to giving them a beating.

Horowitz, by the way, is a former communist activist who has become a fascist activist (he's two-- two-- two kooks in one!). His current goal is to enforce speech codes on campus that will allow students to sue universities and professors for saying things that young Republicans disagree with. And to demand that schools hire an equal number of conservative and liberal professors-- just the sort of affirmative action/quota system that conservatives love to decry. Come to think of it, this all sort of goes against free-market principles, doesn't it?

Horowitz's reaction?

"There's a wave of violence on college campuses, committed by what I'd call fascists opposing conservatives," Horowitz said. "It's one step from that to injury."

Wow. He's also accused American elementary school teacher of being "Stalinists," so you can see that he's really a sensible guy. Threatening professors with lawsuits for expressing non-conservative views is 'common sense,' while a desire for free academic speech is 'fascism.'

Consider this in light of Senator Cornyn's intimation that violence against judges might be understandable. Congratulations on the state of your party, Republicans. The end of free speech, and a license to kill. What a bunch of patriots.