The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The new face of fascism

Earlier today I mentioned that as of late, I haven't hesitated to use the term fascists to describe the current GOP. I referred to the infamous "14 characteristics of fascism". Then, like mana from hell, came a little story out of Utah.

Representative Jim Gibbons of Nevada gave a speech today that really satisfied his audience. Ready?

"Gibbons said he was dedicating his remarks to the "brave young men and women who are serving on the front lines" in what he termed World War III.

"We do so tonight, I believe, with the thoughts and prayers for the soldiers who are defending freedom around the world," he said. "Let's keep ourselves aware that this is a country at war today.""

So far so good, right? Let's continue:

""How would [Abraham Lincoln] feel, what would he be thinking about, all of the dissension, all of the division, that the liberals and a few others, including some our movie stars and song makers, are trying to divide this country over its efforts to establish freedom and liberty in countries around the world?" Gibbons questioned."

All right, at this point I'm thinking this guy is just a dumbass, since Lincoln was the man who said that the question isn't whether God is on our side, but whether we are on God's side. Not to mention our "efforts to establish freedom." The rationale for war was never "nation-building," something Bush stated his opposition to in the 200 debates. And that wasn't why we attacked-- it was about the non-existent WMD's, and the equally non-existent ties of Iraq to Al Qaeda. But this sort of dishonesty is a daily occurrence under these fanatics. Here comes the money shot:

"I say we tell those liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else," Gibbons said to another burst of applause. (. . .)

He said that they are the same people who wanted to go to Iraq and become human shields for the enemy.

"I say it's just too damn bad we didn't buy them a ticket," Gibbons said.

Laughter rippled through the room, mingled with more applause."

While Gibbons claims that these late-60's stereotypes would be tortured and killed by the likes of bin Laden, he neglects to mention that reactionary Christians aren't exactly his best buddies, either. Or the financial centers of white-collar America. They didn't choose to destroy Hollywood, after all, did they?

Congratulations, Republicans. This is the face of 21st century conservatism in America. And it's the face of fascism. You're either a devoted supporter or an enemy to be targeted and destroyed. Sort of reminds me of radical Islamists....

NOTE: I heard radio host and Rush Limbaugh soundalike Ed Schultz talking about this story, and he was congratulating the blogsters (his word) for paying attention. I don't really consider myself a blogger, because I'm keeping my day job and I'll never break a story. I'm just trying to keep under-reported stories alive and encourage a little activism. As Ed also said today, it's "all hands on deck" time for liberals. The fight is upon us.