The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Friday, March 04, 2005

Move over, Grover...'s time for real conservatives to take over. Over the past year, there have been stories here and there about anti-tax Republicans finding that they can't stick to their guns as state officials. You know, because they have to face the reality that you can't get away with cutting taxes and increasing spending at the same time. I wouldn't mind hearing a few Dems proudly call themselves "tax-and-spend liberals," as opposed to "cut-taxes-and-spend-anyway conservatives." What used to be a pejorative could start to sound like common sense to a lot of Americans.

But here's the deal-- the anti-tax guru himself, Grover Norquist, is starting to hear some dissent from Republicans who can't implement his policies and remain in office (link above). This is a bit of good news for those of us who aren't ideologues, but are genuinely concerned about the fate of the nation. It's high time for real conservatives to start standing up to the fascists holding the reins of their party. McCain has been hopeless lately-- he's kissing White House butt to remain viable in 2008. Would it really take much more than a small handful of Republican patriots to say "I'm a conservative, and I repudiate this administration"? The Dems are (finally) fighting back-- why aren't any Republicans?