Springtime for Rummy
More brilliance from the Daily Show, this time with a look at Rumsfeld's encounter with the 27-year CIA veteran who pointed out his contradictions on the issue of WMDs in Iraq. What did it prompt from the cable news outlets? A searing indictment of the Secretary of Defense who routinely changes his story about the ongoing war?
Not exactly. But there were plenty of backhanded swipes at the man who dared to question him-- and even a fawning one-hour Fox News special called 'Why He Fights,' in which Rummy points out that a piece of a downed 9/11 plane on his coffee table is a "wonderful" reminder of the event.
The high/lowpoint:
Rummy now: (Q: "You said you knew where they were.") A: "I did not."
Rummy then: "We know where they are."
Highly recommended. (11-meg file)
Not exactly. But there were plenty of backhanded swipes at the man who dared to question him-- and even a fawning one-hour Fox News special called 'Why He Fights,' in which Rummy points out that a piece of a downed 9/11 plane on his coffee table is a "wonderful" reminder of the event.
The high/lowpoint:
Rummy now: (Q: "You said you knew where they were.") A: "I did not."
Rummy then: "We know where they are."
Highly recommended. (11-meg file)
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