The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Friday, May 05, 2006

Porter Goss resigns

Just heard-- appointed as CIA director during August, 2004, Porter Goss is stepping down. Although not necessarily related to the recent revelations of a Washington poker 'n prostitute ring sponsored by defense contractors, including Brent Wilkes--one of the men who bribed Randy Cunningham.

Although the investigation into the matter has just gotten underway, there have been widely circulating rumors that anywhere from 6 to 15 Republican politicians could be implicated, in addition to members of the CIA close to the White House and Goss.

As a Congressman, Porter Goss chaired the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and has a long history of ties to the Defense Appropriations Committee.

TPM Muckraker has been writing a lot about 'Hookergate.'

UPDATE: Salon writes of Goss' other CIA problem-- he's done a lousy job and made few friends.

A year into his directorship, the Post said, Goss was "at loggerheads with the clandestine service" and struggling to deal with the departure of "at least a dozen senior officials," including Robert Richer, a top CIA official who quit then told senators that he'd lost confidence in Goss.

They also note Bill Kristol's observation that it's either looming scandal or internal conflicts that prompted the resignation. And no-one seems to be buying the official line that it's part of the ersatz "White House shake-up." (Oops, maybe I spoke too soon. Think Progress has found several CNN talking heads making their own fanciful excuses for Goss.)

Another potential problem for Goss-- the man he picked for the No. 3 spot in the CIA, Dusty Foggo, is under investigation for contract oversight and perhaps his participation in those alleged poker & poke-her parties.