The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Friday, July 08, 2005

Anti-science Friday, Part II

After giving this some thought, I figured I'd go ahead and link to this TNR piece. It's ultimately unsatisfying, but it provides still more evidence that "conservative intellectuals" are simply shills (with maybe one or two exceptions). The story is simple-- the author asked all the prominent right-wing talking heads if they believed in evolution*. The vast majority did so well at providing non-answers that Scott McClellan would be proud. At the very least, fundamentalists should realize that righties regard them as nothing more than means to an end. But that won't happen.

Tucker "Dick" Carlson: "I think God's responsible for the existence of the universe and everything in it. ... I think God is probably clever enough to think up evolution. ... It's plausible to me that God designed evolution; I don't know why that's outside the realm. It's not in my view."

It's good to know that Tucker Carlson thinks the supreme being is clever enough to think up evolution.

* One beef with the article-- you don't "believe" in evolution. That's because it isn't a matter of faith, but of observation of the world around us. Just like you don't "believe" in the need to drink water. To paraphrase Bertrand Russell, those who deny the veracity of the world should drive a car into a wall at a speed proportionate to the conviction of their belief.