The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Friday, July 08, 2005

Terrorists kill more than fifty. Limbaugh unimpressed.

Courtesy of GE (who brings bad things to light) comes this story from England. It's very disturbing, and shows just why the administration have been absolute morons in fighting their "war on terror." While they've been cutting funds to protect the American public, they've sunk more than $200 billion into attacking a country that was never a threat to us, and wasn't a sponsor of fundamentalist terrorists.

Here's just how easy it is for terrorists to commit mass murder:

The bombs that destroyed three London Underground cars and a double-decker bus were each lighter than 10 pounds and could be carried in a backpack, police said Friday. An explosives expert said they were likely crude homemade devices set off with a simple timer.

The bombs were probably made from simple, relatively easy-to-obtain plastic explosives, not the higher-grade military plastics like Semtex that would have killed far more people, said Andy Oppenheimer, a weapons expert who consults for Jane's Information Group.

"Any crook with ready cash could obtain this stuff if they knew where to look for it,'' said Alex Standish, the editor of Jane's Intelligence Digest.

What did pill-popping kook Rush Limbaugh have to say about the attacks? Just this:

It's like I said, 40 people dead, 150 seriously wounded, 1,000 wounded out of over a million people in that transit tube. It's not a successful terrorist attack, folks. They didn't succeed in doing anything.

Insane. And his numbers are wrong to boot. And millions of people listen to this assmunch to hear "the news."