The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Action Alert: Fire Karl Rove

The GOP has made clear its intent to pour millions of dollars into their effort to discredit MoveOn-- I say we make it worth their trouble. They've posted their own petition to encourage Bush to fire Karl Rove from the White House.

If nothing else, Rove is payed with taxpayer dollars, and he revealed the identity of a CIA operative. That's the very height of irresponsibility. And what about those applause lines in the 200 campaign-- Bush and Cheney were going to restore honesty and integrity to the White House?

Take a minute out of your day to sign on. The goofy right has made it clear that they want Rove to get a pass on this, and it'd be just the latest scandal that fails to register on the public radar. But judging by the grilling McClellan got yesterday, the press has decided to pursue this issue. Let's make sure that they do just that by keeping it in the news.