The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Right finally coordinates Foley defense

After a couple of days of GOP disarray, things are getting back to normal. Katherine Harris and other, less openly insane, types are predictably claiming that the Foley story is all the work of shadowy Democratic operatives, while most right-wing bloggers are still pushing the "What's the big deal?" line. The former is kind of pathetic, while the latter is a genuine chart-topper in our funny-yet-sad century. Oh, and the concensus is lining up against Hastert. He's increasingly being portrayed as on the verge of being thrown under the bus for the sake of the party.

The Booman Tribune looks at some of the latest right-wing attempts to turn the Foley debacle into an indictment of Democrats, including one that I believe Hastert himself is using-- the demonstrably false claim that Democrats (unlike, say, members of Foley's own party) knew what was happening and covered it up 'till election season. The Republicans are clearly terrified by this, but after discussing it with a friend last night, I'm thinking that the only way it would have an impact as far off as the election is if it stays in the news. Given the illicit sex angle, that's a safe bet. The GOP hasn't been helped by their uncharacteristic inability to coordinate media talking points, and I think their reliance on the Democratic conspiracy angle will just make them look silly. If they sat down on the news shows and dealt with it like calm adults, they'd come off all right. Instead they look panicked. And people associate that with guilt.

Still no indication of how Bill Clinton is to blame for Foley's actions, but I'm on the lookout.