The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Monday, February 06, 2006

Bizarroworld Dispatch: War doesn't kill soldiers, motorcycles do!

A right-wing blog that has many, many more readers than I do proposes that war is pretty awesome because those between global superpowers and bankrupt, backwater theocracies sometimes kill fewer people than bad driving. Have America's Middle East specialists been alerted to this fact?

From the article cited by the post referenced by the blog to which I'm linking (a blog that's officially a FOS, by the way, or Friend of Sandwich):

Nearly 350 troops have died on motorcycles since the 2001 terrorist attacks. That`s compared to 259 killed while serving in Afghanistan.

The conclusion the blog draws? Combat is safer than cycling. Bush declared 'major combat operations' in Iraq to be at an end on May 1, 2003. Of 2,252 total US deaths, only 119 died up to that point. Let's see here... apparently it's 19 times safer to be on the front lines than to simply witness freedom on the march. Awesome! Let's enlist and take along a camera instead of body armor!

It's too easy, really. Consider the following:

"We have solid intelligence indicating that fewer Americans die each month in traffic accidents than would be killed in a war against Iraq. Therefore we cannot afford not to go to war."

"You go biking with the safety equipment you have-- not the safety equipment you wish you had."

"Major motorcycle accidents in America have ended."

"Do I wish fewer Americans lost their lives in motorcycle accidents? Sure. Is it a tragic loss? You bet. But is it right? Absolutely."