The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Monday, February 06, 2006

The dictionary definition of "shit-eating grin"

This video link just went up on Crooks & Liars, but Raw Story has a more complete transcript here.

Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas gets extra feisty and makes White House Spokesmonkey Scott McClellan sing for his supper on the issue of warrantless wiretapping. The high point is in the last few seconds of the video, when McClellan queasily tries to move on, then remembers his training and gives the assembled crowd an all-too-brief grin ("Just humorin' the old broad, folks, bear with me."). Wish I could say I feel sorry for the guy, but he's probably going to spend eternity taking smoke breaks through his throat with tobacco lobbyists.

McClellan: The attorney general outlined very clearly today how previous administrations have used the same authority --

Thomas: That doesn't make it legal.

McClellan: -- and cited the same -- and cited the very same authority.

Thomas: (Inaudible) -- they broke the law, that's too bad.

McClellan: And we're going to continue doing everything we can --

Thomas: You know what happened to Nixon when he broke the law.

McClellan: -- within our power to protect the American people. This is a very different circumstance, and you know that.

Thomas: No, I don't.

At this point, McClellan points at another reporter and takes another question. Then he flashes his Chiclets and gives Thomas a 'reprimand.' I'll lay shekels to shawarma that more than one right-wing blog mentions her racial makeup tomorrow.

I think we should demand more cranky old ladies in the White House Press Corps immediately. Not only are they known for speaking their mind, but they don't give a damn about pursuing a position as a blow-dried cable news anchor.