The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Saturday, August 13, 2005

With Katherine Harris, the plot sickens.

Amazing, amazing stuff. This time I'm just linking to the post at Crooks and Liars-- I avoid hyperlinks to right-wing sites. It feels like casting my consumer vote for tabloidism instead of journalism.

If you're among my loyal reader (Ha!), you've seen the jaw-dropping interview (for the absoute worst--that is to say Hustler-esque-- pay attention from 00:40 to 01:02) on Hannity & Colmes in which Katherine Harris was more focused on her push-up bra than her politics. At any rate, Colmes is showing some uncharacteristic spine.

Michelle Malkin, in her bid to become the wall-eyed minority face of the neo-fascists, regards the appearance as proof of Democrats' obsession with golden bozos. (That's a Steve Martin term that at least one of my Republican buddies would get.) In its own way, Malkin's up-is-down argumentation is a brilliant piece of rhetoric.

The funniest part of Malkin's deadpan argument is that not even Republicans were able to look at the piece and say "now that's the sort of intelligent, insightful woman we want to be the face of the GOP." (See the link within the C&L post. Man, I love that site!)

Malkin's target audience is apparently saying things like the (unretouched) following: "SHE SHOULDN'T BE ASHAMED OF THE FACT SHE'S ENDOWED. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT IF SHE'S SHOWING OFF. I WOULD IF I COULD. SHE'S A GOOD CONSERVATIVE, AND SHE LOOKS GOOD DOING IT." Endowed? I doubt there's a Maxim reader out there who would refer to her 'killer B's' as a major endowment.

Wonkette points out that Harris has really been re-tooling her image in the last few years. Or at least her nose. I don't think I've ever linked to Wonkette before, because I'm generally not crazy about the sexual organs of Capitol Hill-- no matter which party. Until it turns out that proponents of "old-fashioned family values" are caught buggering little boys, like the disgraced mayor of Spokane, WA. Then all bets are off. Still, I'm not a fan of Wonkette's salacious tales. Sorry, Michelle Malkin. Oh, and unlike 'social conservatives,' who made Baywatch the top show in the world, I don't follow Wonkette-- this link was from C&L. Just so you know I'm not a hypocrite.