The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Closing the book on the Schiavos

Well, sort of. Sean Hannity, in the face of massive evidence to the contrary, is claiming that there are "more questions than ever." Presumaby, when evidence emerges that your assertions are false, it must be a conspiracy. From the American Prospect's blog:

Looks like he didn't strangle, beat, or drug Terri Schiavo -- all of which were offenses alleged against him -- and she may not even have suffered from the bulimia that he supposedly induced by mercilessly insulting her appearance while she was alive. (Examples of those disgusting charges and worse are fairly easy to Google, in case you feel the need.) It's hard to think of many things more nightmarish than what Michael Schiavo underwent -- to suffer not only the death of his wife and a 15-year battle with her parents, but to be repeatedly and brutally slandered on some of the most personal aspects of his life for his misfortune.