The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Thank you, good Americans, for beating my child!

Yet another astounding example of right-wing radio that's-- in a word-- fascistic.

Here's the story: a high school kid decides not to stand for the national anthem. His angry teacher responds by "screaming at the class and pulling the chair out from under [the] student."

Naturally, this doesn't go far enough. That kid earned himself a beating. You know, for undermining Bush's war on terror. The kid might have been acting like a goofball, or just being a smart alec (this has been known to happen to some high school students over the decades), but what sort of American would suggest that the patriotic response is to beat him senseless? A 21st century Republican, that's who.

Follow the link and find out why America needs "more teachers beating people."

I'll use this opportunity to share a story about Imperial Japan. Students were required to bow to the image of Emperor Hirohito in the WWII era, and he was considered to be a divine presence on earth. Literally a god-- infallible, and beyond criticism. Once upon a time, there was a smartass kid who decided to add a little ill-advised zest to the morning ritual. When he stood before the picture of the emperor, he combined the mandatory bow with a well-timed fart. Considering how we felt about Japan's colonial ambitions, and how many Americans dies to stop their conquest, we might give that kid a friendly slap on the back. As it happened, he was immediately escorted out of the building and beaten savagely by his homeroom teacher. There isn't a Republican in America who'd go on record as saying that it was right for the Japanese government to beat that child So why are so many Republicans willing to say that it's okay for the American government to do the same thing today?