The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Friday, June 03, 2005

Action Alert: Wes Clark urges support for GIs

Well, Wes Clark is at it again, sponsoring an online letter campaign to get those accursed Republicans to quit shortchanging our veterans on healthcare. These things frustrate me a bit, because here in Boston I'm represented by good ol' Democrats. If you aren't in the same situation, I'd encourage you to take a minute, follow the link above, and let your GOP senators and representatives know how peeved we are with their slimy, money-grubbing ways.

UPDATE: I've linked to Clark's website several times for a very simple reason-- I still think he'd be a great candidate in 2008. Not only is he a solid Democrat, but he'd deliver a great shut-my-mouth to rightie pundits who love to claim that no liberal can be trusted with foreign policy. As silly as that is (FDR, anyone?), it's become ingrained in the public discourse (Dukakis, anyone?). On the other hand, he's sure to be assaulted for a lack of political experience. Something that will undoubtedly stick, in spite of Bush's lack of any sort of experience, except his expertise at running businesses into the ground. In fact, Bush boasted of his lack of 'insider' status in Washington. But a Democrat won't be able to get away with that. I was rooting for him as a VP in 2004, and I still like him for that slot in 2008. Except that at this point, I don't see anyone who looks good as a presidential candidate. I like Kerry, but there's a huge strike against him: he's already got a framework for lazy journalists (read: journalists) to work with. No sooner will he announce his candidacy than the media will pile on with wisecracks about his pomposity, lack of charisma, flip-floppery (no matter that he's infinitely more consistent than W ever was), and rumors that his war record was some kind of leftie conspiracy. I think he's sunk in just the way that Gore was-- it's not his fault, but thanks to the worthless mainstream press, he's toast. I'd encourage everyone to throw some support behind Clark. He wants a spot on the ticket in a big way, and I like the fact that he's pushing for solid, liberal ideas a full three years before the campaign. "An officer and an environmentalist." He could do a lot to throw the GOP line that 'liberal = pussy' back in their faces.