The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dept. of Pots and Kettles

I was surprised and very disappointed to hear about Jesse Jackson's decision to jump in the center ring of the Schiavo circus. His embarrassing interview with drama queen Michael Jackson-- in which (Michael) Jackson invoked the name of Nelson Mandela-- played like an opportunistic, race-baiting move by a man who has long since lost the attention of the political spotlight.

Appearing at the Florida hospice in a limo pretty much cements the deal, by playing like an opportunistic, religious-baiting move by a washed-up celebrity trying to make a comeback. Shame on you, Jesse Jackson.

A more cynical assesssment of Jackson's shenanigans: he's "pulled a Lieberman" by giving right-wing pundits an actual example of a Democrat they can bash on this affair. Up until now, they were reduced to sheepishly suggesting that "both sides are going too far."* Now they have a way to get the spotlight off DeLay, Falwell, Frist, Terry, and other opportunistic Republicans-- an opportunistic Democrat just jumped on board. Way to go, sport.
WaPo story above.

* Bill O'Reilly was put on the spot by no less than a priest who appeared on his show. O'Reilly was trying to make this claim, but the priest had him dead to rights. (video) It's nice to see that lying windbag trying to sell a priest a bill of goods... Now that's shameful. 4-meg download.