The Daily Sandwich

"We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish." -Sir Karl Popper

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Capitalizing on Tragedy

I haven't written anything on the Schiavo matter to date. That's because, like many in the liberal blogosphere, I'm so disgusted with the way the GOP is trying to use the family's tragedy to earn some more of their beloved "political capital." Think I'm being a litte harsh? Then consider this excerpt from a memo reported by ABC and the Washington Post (story linked to above) as having circulated among Republican senators:

"This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue. . . This is a great political issue, because Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats."

In other words, let's put on the biggest political circus we can-- it'll be a great way to hoodwink the public. On the other hand, getting the long-suffering Schiavo family media coverage typically reserved only for the likes of a Michael Jackson or Martha Stewart might finally turn a light on the shameless, immoral politics of the neo-fascists.